News and Resources

Squeezing the Margins

Squeezing the Margins

Something we've been saying since 2016 is that Democrats don't need to win back every rural county. What they have to do is show up, articulate a vision, win where they can, and squeeze the margins everywhere else. Last night in Kentucky, Governor-elect Andy Beshear...

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September 2019 Poll Results

In the post-debate poll in Iowa, Focus on Rural America found some shakeups among the Democratic presidential contenders and some key takeaways for the field. Iowa Democrats are focused on electability and they see rural issues and a rural strategy as key to that...

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Trump voters think he’s a clown — and he wants them to

Trump voters think he’s a clown — and he wants them to

David Binder Research conducted two focus groups among Iowa voters from Polk County and surrounding areas and one focus group with Iowa voters exclusively from rural areas and small towns outside of Polk County, on August 13 and 14, 2019. The participants in these...

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